Learners are innovative thinkers who are successful, confident, respectful and caring

West Coulee Station Elementary School

Project at a glance

A new elementary school for the north side of west Lethbridge was approved in the spring of 2021. A school in the north end of west Lethbridge has been requested to meet facility capacity needs since 2008 in the Division's Three-Year Capital Plan.

The elementary school, which will be constructed in the subdivision of Garry Station at Kensington Road and Abitibi Road, will open with capacity for 610 students and the ability to add 12 modular classrooms in the future, for a full build out of 900 student capacity. The City of Lethbridge is partnering with the Division to provide community use space, by contributing to upsize the gymnasium by 200 square metres.

In October 2021, an engagement session was held with the school communities in west Lethbridge to envision what a new school could look like, the information from these sessions was valuable to the design process. See the following link for information on the sessions: DESIGN SESSIONS.

When originally approved, the new school project was to be delivered under a P3 (Public, Private, Partnership) building process. In June 2022, the Provincial Government changed the method to a Design Build process. Alberta Infrastructure will be managing the construction project.

The new school is scheduled to be opened for the 2025/2026 school year.

Progress as of June 2022:

1) Site work has begun on the school site by MELCOR Developments to close 30th Street and create Abitibi Road. MELCOR will also be preparing the school site, which includes site works and utility installation. Site preparation is anticipated to be complete in the fall of 2022.

2) The new school has completed the Design Development stage and Alberta Infrastructure is preparing bid documents for the procurement process.

August, 2023 update:

Construction on the new school has begun! Ward Bros Construction has moved equipment on site and has started working on the foundations. We are excited to watch our school begin to take shape.

Construction begins - August, 2023

Architectural renderings