The June 12 Division School Council Parent Engagement session, Brief of Career Exploration Opportunities, will be held from 6:30-7 p.m. at the Aakaipookaiksi building (Education Centre) at 433-15 St. S.
Andrew Krul, the Division's Off-Campus Education Coordinator, will make the presentation.
The following topics will be briefly highlighted to bring awareness to career exploration opportunities at the secondary level:
- MyBluePrint (career exploration program available to students)
- Dual credit with University of Lethbridge and Lethbridge College
- Off-Campus Work Experience and RAP (registered apprenticeship program)
- Post-secondary transition opportunities.
All parents all welcome to attend the session, either in person or on Teams. Please click the following link for virtual access to both the parent learning session AND the regular Division School Council meeting: TEAMS.
The agenda for the Division School Council meeting can be found here: AGENDA.
To view the presentation, click on the following link: PRESENTATION.